Are you looking for the Long-Term Care renewal course? Or perhaps the initial partnership course?
8 HOUR PARTNERSHIP: If you need to complete your initial training, in addition to the Colorado 8 hour General LTC Mandatory Training course listed below Colorado agents must also take the Colorado Long Term Care Partnership course. This partnership course must be taken in a classroom setting or via webinar. To view the upcoming 8 Hour Partnership webinar schedule offered by LTC Connection please click here.
5 HOUR LTC RENEWAL: If you need to complete your renewal training, Colorado rules require that the refresher course be taken in a classroom setting or via webinar. LTC Connection offers this course as a webinar twice per week, on Wednesdays in the afternoons and on Fridays in the morning. To view the upcoming 5 Hour LTC Renewal schedule please click here.
LTC Training Certification: For more information about what's required to sell, solicit, or negotiate long-term care policies click here.