Commercial Property Insurance - CO

Insurance Continuing Education in Colorado

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4 credit hours

If purchased today, this course must be completed by:
September 30, 2024 (10 Days)

Colorado insurance continuing education requires an impartial third-party proctor be present during your final exam. The proctor cannot be a friend, relative or co-worker of the licensee, nor anyone with a financial interest in the exam result. Affidavits must be returned the day of the exam completion!

Welcome to this professional continuing education course on Commercial Property Insurance. This course is intended for the practicing insurance professional and not for someone new to insurance.

In this course we will review some of the fundamental concepts to refresh your memory about some of the coverage details you might have forgotten. We will also give you the latest update on the forms and talk about the implications to the changes.

You will read interesting and important case studies to bring this topic to life. Finally, we detail the most recent issues that have come up in the real world of providing these coverages to policyholders (such as toxic mold, terrorism insurance, and the increasing policy premiums).

Exam Details

Need Proctor?Yes
Question Count:25
Passing Grade:70%
Attempts to Pass:Unlimited

Course Details

Course Number:53933
Approved Title:Commercial Property Insurance
Approved Credits
4 credits in Property & Casualty
Provider Number:50141
Topics Covered:Property and Casualty Insurance, Property Insurance
Program Level:Advanced

Rules for Colorado Insurance Continuing Education

  • This state allows for course material to be downloaded. Please note that not all courses will have content that is suitable or available for downloading.
  • Exam is closed book.