Ethics for Insurance Professionals - OR

Insurance Continuing Education in Oregon

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3 credit hours

Price includes
CE Course :
Roster Fee :

* A roster fee of $1.00 per credit is required to file Insurance Continuing Education credit in Oregon. That fee is collected as part of your purchase and is then used to pay for the filling of your credits.

If purchased today, this course must be completed by:
September 20, 2025 (365 Days)


The course has two broad divisions, The Practical Foundations for Insurance Ethics, and the Professional Foundation for Insurance Ethics. Under practical foundations, we will look at the agent's fiduciary responsibility to clients, the agent's obligations to the insurer/employer; and regulatory agencies. Under the professional foundation, we will look at the aspects of professionalism referred to in this introduction.

It is our wish that upon completion of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of what professional ethics are as related to the field of insurance, how they operate, why they are important, and what they mean to the individual who adheres to them.

Exam Details

Need Proctor?No
Question Count:25
Passing Grade:70%
Attempts to Pass:Unlimited
Note: If you choose to request additional credit types while taking this course, the number of exam questions and proctor rules may change to meet those credits' requirements.

Course Details

Course Number:36418
Approved Title:Ethics for Ins Professionals
Approved Credits
3 credits in Ethics
Provider Number:8052
Topics Covered:Ethics
Program Level:Intermediate

Rules for Oregon Insurance Continuing Education

  • Course material may not be downloaded.
  • Exam is closed book.
  • Each agent must enroll for the course before having access to course material.
  • A student may not access the final exam prior to reviewing all course materials.
  • A review quiz is provided at the end of each chapter. The final exam may not be accessed until each review session has been successfully completed.
  • Oregon Administrative Rule 836-071-0225(1)(d) limits the number of hours a producer can complete per day to 8. You may NOT start and finish more than 8 hours of continuing education on the same day.
  • A course approved in part or in whole as correspondence requires a proctor to be present for the final exam. A correspondence course is any self-study course which includes printed materials as part of the program.
  • The state of Oregon charges an additional fee of $1.00 per credit hour.