Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans - CFP®

CFP® Certification CE

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3 credit hours

Price includes
CFP® Course :
Roster Fee :

* A roster fee of $1.25 per credit is required to file CFP® Certification CE credit. That fee is collected as part of your purchase and is then used to pay for the filling of your credits.

If purchased today, this course must be completed by:
December 31, 2024 (102 Days)

The final exam will not be available until the CFP® professional has completed the required coursework.

This course was designed, constructed and written to provide you with continuing education for financial professionals in the area of Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans with special attention to the various types and issues specific to the world of accumulation for retirement through Employer-Sponsored retirement Plans.

It acknowledges and includes examination of 401(k)s, 403(b)s, Simple IRAs, and SEP IRAs categories due to the many types sponsored and available in the worksite marketplace.  It also highlights distribution opportunities and tax consequences for withdrawals that are a fundamental component of retirement accumulation programs.

Besides the goal of acquiring additional credits toward your continuing education requirement, it is our hope that you will acquire a new level of competency and insight into this highly critical area of people’s financial future…saving and accumulating dollars for use in the future.

As time goes by, individuals’ situations change with respect to their available discretionary income, tax brackets, and family situations. In addition, tax law changes, program availability, and feature modifications are constantly being reviewed, updated, and changed. Some save specifically for retirement and education. Some save for the future (retirement) exclusively, and take care of education as best they can when it occurs prior to their retirement…or some combination of both!

Yet some things are fundamental and seldom, if ever, change. Accumulating funds for the future depends on money, time, a vehicle, and consistency. With so many plans and places to save or invest in, the real key is to start putting aside funds so that an educational nest egg is available down the road. The more one puts away today, the more it grows.  The higher yield or growth each dollar earns makes it compound faster and greater.  The less taxes we pay when we put it away, as it grows, and when we take it out allows for each dollar to work harder, grow larger, and provide for more of it’s intended usage. And, to the extent we have planned ahead for certain amounts to be available at specific times in the future, the more motivated we are to put aside on a regular basis an amount that will grow to what is needed in the future (consistency).

Your study text is comprised of several modules with charts, graphs, and other visual tools for enhancing the value of the information for you as well as to enhance your recall beyond this course.

We’re confident that you will gain new insight into this critical area for Americans as well as brush up on current info and regulations pertinent to this area of your expertise.

Exam Details

Need Proctor?No
Question Count:15
Passing Grade:70%
Attempts to Pass:Unlimited
Note: If you choose to request additional credit types while taking this course, the number of exam questions and proctor rules may change to meet those credits' requirements.

Course Details

Course Number:203325
Approved Title:Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans
Approved Credits
3 credits in Retirement Savings and Income Planning
Provider Number:4717
Topics Covered:Life and Health Insurance, General Principles of Financial Planning, Life Insurance
Program Level:Advanced

Rules for CFP® Certification CE

  • Course material may be downloaded. Most online materials will have a PDF version available on your dashboard to download.
  • Exam is open book. You will not be able to access the online materials at the same time as the exam, but you may use your notes and the PDF download of the material, if that is available for your particular course.
  • You must review the entire course before viewing or completing the exam.
  • The state of National charges an additional fee of $1.25 per credit hour.